Spiral Thigh Lift for the Massive Weight Loss Patient


Losing a lot of weight is something to be proud of! Look good and feel like your best self after massive weight loss with spiral thigh lift surgery.

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There's nothing more frustrating than losing weight and still seeing that loose skin on your thighs. Weight loss can lead to a loss of elasticity in your legs, which causes the skin to sag. Loose skin comes with a whole host of medical problems like difficulty walking, urinating, or performing sexual activity. In many cases, exercise alone isn't enough to overcome the excess skin after weight loss. But don't throw in the towel just yet--a surgical thigh lift might be just the solution you need. Spiral thigh lifts are designed to reduce excess skin and fat on the legs. The result is slimmer, refined thighs that will allow you to show off your weight loss achievements. If you're dealing with sagging skin after weight loss--it's time to take a closer look at what a spiral thigh lift can do for you.

How Does Thigh Lift Surgery Work?

Thigh lift surgery reshapes the thighs by cutting down on the excess skin and fat. A spiral thigh lift is also known as a total thigh lift. It targets the front, back, inner, and outer thigh all at the same time. It can also improve the contour of the buttocks by lifting and toning the gluteal area. Spiral thigh lifts are ideal for patients who have lost a large amount of weight, either through diet and exercise or a procedure like bariatric surgery. So what's the process like? What should you expect from a spiral thigh lift procedure? Let's break it down.

Spiral Thigh Lift Procedure

The procedure is typically done under general anesthesia, and it can take about two to three hours. To start, the surgeon will make one or more incisions in order to remove some small amounts of fat and soft tissue deposits. If there's a significant amount of excess fat in the thighs, the surgeon may first perform liposuction, during which they will use a small tube to dissolve the fat and suction it out of the thighs. Next, loose or sagging skin will then be pulled taught and trimmed for a smooth overall appearance. The surgeon may also tighten thigh muscles for a firmer look. Then, they will close the incisions with absorbable stitches and wrap a compressive garment around the thigh to ensure an even contour.

Recovery Process

Recovery time may depend on your age, body size, and skin elasticity. Some patients will bounce back more quickly than others--but thigh lift surgery is generally a simple procedure with few complications or risks. When you wake up from the procedure, your incisions will be bandaged and you may have drains to prevent blood and fluid from building up. Your doctor should give you a prescribed painkiller to help you deal with the soreness, and you and your caretaker will learn how to change your bandages and clean the incisions. Keep in mind--because of the anesthesia and painkillers, you'll need somebody to drive you home. You should start feeling better within a few days, and then in a few weeks, the swelling will go down. Even if it hurts to move or walk around, staying active after your surgery will ensure proper blood flow and help you avoid clots.

Is a Spiral Thigh Lift Right for You?

Most patients who have lost a significant amount of weight or want to improve the appearance of their thighs will be good candidates for thigh lift surgery, but there are a few requirements to keep in mind. You'll be eligible for a spiral thigh lift if you:

  • Have excess skin or soft tissue along your thighs. The procedure is designed to remove some stubborn fat deposits, but a spiral thigh lift is not a weight loss procedure
  • Maintain a stable weight. It's important that you've achieved your target weight because further weight loss could cause the skin to start drooping again
  • Are in relatively good health. Some serious health conditions like diabetes could interfere with your recovery time and compromise the safety of the anesthesia process
  • Do not smoke or drink heavily. Excessive use of alcohol or tobacco can increase the risk of complications during the procedure and impair your recovery
  • Can commit to a healthy lifestyle. Weight loss and thigh lift surgery are just the first steps--in order to preserve your results, it's important that you can maintain a healthy diet and exercise routine
  • Have realistic expectations. Scheduling a consultation with your surgeon before the procedure can help you understand the potential results to manage your expectations

Before you commit, it's important to meet with a plastic surgeon to discuss your potential candidacy for thigh lift surgery. They'll be able to examine your body type, look over your medical records, and discuss your goals and expectations for the procedure. Your surgeon will work with you to create an individualized surgery plan that suits your needs--so you can reap the benefits of your weight loss and enjoy slimmer, smoother thighs.

What Are the Risks?

All surgeries have their share of risks, and it's important to know what you're getting into before you commit to thigh lift surgery. Spiral thigh lifts are relatively simple as far as plastic surgery procedures--and the chances of any serious complications are minimal. Typical issues during recovery can include:

  • Difficulty walking and sitting for the first few days
  • Redness, swelling, and inflammation
  • Soreness and pain
  • Nausea from the anesthesia
  • Limited physical movement for a few weeks
  • Scarring for six to eight months after surgery

If you smoke or drink, it might be a good idea to consider quitting for at least two weeks before the procedure. Tobacco and alcohol can slow down the healing process and increase the risk of heart problems or blood clots. Some other rare risks include infection, strokes, complications from anesthesia, or scars not healing properly. To lower the chance of complications, it's important to listen closely to your surgeon before and after the procedure. Here are some ways you can prepare to make your recovery go smoothly:

  • Ask for at least the first week off from work in order to ensure you have the time to heal
  • Find a caretaker--a friend, spouse, or family member--to drive you to and from the surgery, pick up your prescription medication, and change your dressings
  • Try to avoid shaving your legs right before surgery because it can increase the risk of infection
  • Keep your wounds clean--be sure to stock up on peroxide, bandages, and Neosporin and change your dressings regularly
  • As soon as you are able, be sure you get up and walk around the house regularly to reduce the risk of blood clots
  • Consult a dermatologist to ask about the process of lightening or smoothing any post-surgery scars

If you have any concerns at all about the thigh lift surgery, be upfront with your surgeon. Ask any questions you have and make sure you're completely prepared to handle your post-surgery recovery.

What Are the Benefits?

We've covered the procedure, the requirements, and some of the risks, but now it's time to get to the most important part: What are the benefits of thigh lift surgery? Keep in mind that you won't see full results right away--it takes a few weeks for the swelling to go down and even longer for scars to fade. You'll be up on your feet after a week, and you'll achieve the final, perfected look after six months to a year of recovery time. Here are a few of the many benefits of this surgery:

  • More clothing options. Now that you've dropped to your ideal weight, it's time to finally put on those pants or shorts that you've been dying to wear. After thigh lift surgery, you'll have an easier time finding garments that fit
  • Less irritation. Loose skin comes with a lot of different complications, but one of the most frustrating is the chafing folds of skin. This can lead to irritation, open wounds, or even infection
  • A simpler exercise routine. Excess skin can make exercising difficult. But with thigh lift surgery, you'll be able to easily stay in shape and keep the weight off
  • Greater self-esteem Smoother, toned thighs can improve every aspect of your life. You'll feel more confident in shorts or swimsuits, and even your personal and professional relationships might improve

If you're a weight loss patient, you've already gone through the trouble of contouring your body. Now it's time to show off all that you've achieved and tighten your newly transformed physique.

The Bottom Line

Losing a significant amount of weight is an amazing accomplishment--and you should be proud of your brand new body. But sometimes it can be hard to celebrate when you're still dealing with loose skin around your thighs. Men and women of all ages, body types, and sizes can benefit from a spiral thigh lift. Not only will you have a smoother, shapelier look, this procedure is a great way to boost your self-esteem. If you have excess skin or fat that's holding you back, it's time to consider thigh lift surgery. Have any questions? Need more help achieving your desired look? Check out some of our other skin toning procedures like double chin reduction or contact us to schedule a consultation at our office in Newport Beach.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.